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September 24, 2024

Career Chat: Geologist & Environmental Scientist

5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Career Chat Geologist and Evironmental Scientist promotion.
oin UMD Geology Alum Mark Everett and the Geology Club to learn more about navigating careers in Geology.

Location: Multi-purpose Resource Room (3135) - Hornbake Library, South Wing

Join UMD Geology Alum Mark Everett and the Geology Club to learn more about navigating careers in Geology. Mark is currently a Program Manager at Los Alamos National Laboratory and has 30 years of experience in the field of geology and environmental science. During this career chat, we will hear about the variety of opportunities to work in the field of geology and research.

Please RSVP, as we will be providing pizza and want to get a head count!

Register on Handshake!

Event Type: Workshops & Panels

Event Location: On-Campus

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