Find a meaningful career
Helping you pursue your ambitions and navigate all steps of the career journey
Student Support

A Career You Hadn’t Considered
Your career path doesn't have to be linear, and there may be options for you that you may not have considered. Learn more about your field and the industry here.
Explore Industries and Career PathsWho We Serve
The University of Maryland Career Center has resources for everyone.

We’ve got your back with every aspect of your career journey. It's never too early to begin the process, so whether you just want to know about the resources available or you're ready to chart a course, let us help you!

We look forward to partnering with you to identify the student populations that best suit your needs and then working to develop a customized strategy to help you achieve your recruiting goals.

There is no better way for a student to learn about a career than to hear from someone working in that industry. We can also help you change careers if you feel unfulfilled in your current position.

Faculty & Staff
There are numerous ways faculty can assist students with career development. As primary influencers of students, faculty that emphasize the importance of career readiness inside and outside of the classroom make an enormous impact.

Parents & Families
As a parent or family member, you have a significant influence on the career choices made by your student.

Bring Your Complete Self to Work
Myriad identities, skills, experiences and perspectives are welcomed by organizations for operational effectiveness and institutional advancement.
Diversity & Identity SupportI was offered a production assistant position with his affiliate with a film that he's creating. Lastly, [my Intern for a Day host] told me that I could intern at his office and use the TV studio for any short film I wanted to make.