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UMD Career Courses

For many students, the most effective way to make time for career development is by taking a course. There are a number of courses that address different aspects of career development, internship or job search preparation. Some are taught in a classroom setting and others are offered online or asynchronously. All provide exposure to career resources and practice in using essential job search techniques and strategies.

PSYC 123: The Psychology of Getting Hired introduces students to the science behind the hiring process and how you can apply with a competitive edge. The one-credit, online asynchronous course paces students through through six modules including activities intended to:

  • Identify strengths, interest and professional development goals
  • Learn how to use Handshake to locate internships and professional positions
  • Develop a high-quality professional resume
  • Establish an effective professional social media presence and network
  • Practice and refined crucial interview skills
  • Create a career development plan

Two significant activities— a resume review with University Career Center staff, employer, or alumnus and a mock interview with volunteer professionals— occur live through Zoom.

EDCP 108i: Academic Transitions to Internships is a 7-week (half-semester) course recommended for students who have never had an internship and are actively searching for one. The one-credit, online asynchronous course takes students through key exploratory and preparation activities, including:

  • Understanding the components of an internship
  • Increasing knowledge about an intended career field
  • Developing a resume and cover letter
  • Identifying potential internship sites
  • Introducing students to interviewing and networking skills.

Through this course, students will be provided the full experience of searching for an internship. Students will also have opportunities for synchronous activities with the instructor and career professionals through mock interviews, resume reviews, and group meetings.  (Please note this course is only for students who have less than 105 cumulative credits).

COMM488i: Strategic Interviewing is a one-credit, online course that introduces students to advanced techniques in interviewing for job opportunities and career progression. This course specifically focuses on the:

  • Dynamics of the interview process
  • Communication theories and best practices behind influence and persuasion
  • Particular aptitudes and skills that distinguish top candidates.

ARHU458: Graduate School Preparation is designed for juniors and seniors who are interested in applying to graduate school. Topics include skills needed for the graduate school search and application process, evaluation and reflection of application materials, preparation for the GRE exam, and exploration into career options after graduate school.  Focus on the Humanities fields.

UNIV 099: Internship Seminar is a zero-credit, online asynchronous course that is designed to complement a supervised internship experience. More information about UNIV099 can be found here.

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