Location: Hornbake Library South Wing, University Career Center, 3100
CIA’s Directorate of Support and the Director’s Area will host an interactive exercise tailored for students who want to learn how they can apply their backgrounds and problem-solving skills to national security issues. During this exercise, students will play the role of CIA support officers assigned to a team. CIA support officers are skilled, mission-driven, and impactful. These qualities are a necessity to tackle the issues that support officers are presented and tasked with every day. Support officers are made up of logistics, finance, legal, administrative, human resources, security and others. CIA support officers are typically the ‘first in and last out’ in any area around the world. During the simulation, CIA will walk students through an exercise and spark creativity and collaboration skills along with the critical and analytic thinking needed to accomplish goals.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) invites first-year and sophomore undergraduate students majoring in Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Marketing, Communications, Contracts, Acquisitions, Procurement, Logistics, Economics, Engineering, Hospitality, Construction or Facilities Management, Architecture, Data Analytics, Information Technology/Systems and Public Administration (and other related studies) who are interested in careers as Contracting, Human Resources, Support, Audit, Security or Facilities (and other) Officers.
***Given the nature of the materials, the simulation experience is open to U.S. citizens only.***
Students interested in participating in the simulation must commit to the full experience and thus be able to be present for the full 2 hours. Space is limited.
Questions? Contact Teniqua Coates-Singh, University Career Center & President’s Promise at tcoatess@umd.edu.
COVID-19 Acknowledgement: We are pleased to be offering this in-person event, and we are continuing to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the University campus and in the MD/DC area. For current campus COVID-19 guidance, please visit this site.
Event Type: Employer Events
Event Location: On-Campus
Industry: Government, Policy, Law & International Affairs