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June 14, 2023

EOP's STEM Diversity Virtual Career Fair

11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
a promotional image for the EOP's Stem Diversity Career Expo.
EOP's STEM Diversity Virtual Career Fair brings employers together with members of minority groups and diverse cultures, women, people with disabilities, and veterans in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) career disciplines

Location: Virtual

UMD students and alumni who have backgrounds and career interests in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields are welcome to register for this job hiring event! Register as an individual account and have your resume ready to upload. You'll engage with employers virtually, either to network or apply for a job! Recent UMD graduates are encouraged to attend! 

Note: We are helping to promote this external event as it may be of value to the University community. However, this external event is not affiliated with the Career Center or the University of Maryland.


an external link to the event website.

Event Type: Career Fairs

Event Location: Virtual

Audience: Alumni, Doctoral Students & Postdocs, International Students, Race/Ethnicity, Students with Disabilities

Industry: Agriculture, Environment & Sustainability, Health and Sciences, Technology & Data

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