Location: Virtual Event
This panel is focused on ways to make the most of your summer if you were unable to secure an internship, but are still looking for ways to gain experience and add to your resume. In particular, it can be difficult to secure an internship when you are new to the field of tech and are just starting your courses. This workshop will feature panelists who previously spent a summer without an internship. All of the panelists have since gone on to secure internships or full time roles with companies, and they're excited to provide guidance on how to make the most of your summer, even if you don't land your dream internship from the start! Topics covered in this session will include: other meaningful summer work, helpful courses to enroll in, and how to pursue your own projects in tech.
This workshop targets Computer Science majors and others who are pursuing tech careers (including mathematics majors!).
Event Type: Workshops & Panels
Event Location: Virtual
Industry: Health and Sciences, Technology & Data