“Knowledge is the food of the soul.” - Plato
Join us for some brunch to feed the belly, then knowledge to feed the soul.
Are you ready to impress employers when you interview for a job? Join us, and have fun learning tips that will help you when you apply and interview for the job you want. You can also learn about opportunities waiting for you at the Maryland Judiciary. If you’re interested in working to administer justice in Maryland, we’re interested in working with you.
The Judiciary is passionate about fair, efficient, and effective justice for all. So in order to do that, we must have something that caters to all! Did you think that you had to be a lawyer or a judge or even have an interest in criminal justice to work here? Well, guess what? You don’t! We have career paths that can employ many, and we are even willing to offer true entry-level positions that afford you the opportunity to come work with us. So don’t wait! Beat us there, don’t meet us there!
This event will be broken up into 2 sessions with the order of events listed below:
Session 1
- 11:00am - 11:10am: Food & Info Session
- 11:10am - 11:30am: Job Fair Do's & Dont's
- 11:30am - 11:50am: Interview Workshop
Session 2
- 12:00pm - 12:10pm: Food & Info Session
- 12:10pm - 12:30pm: Job Fair Do's & Don'ts
- 12:30pm - 12:50pm: Interview Workshop
Questions? Contact the University Career Center & President’s Promise at ucc-recruiting@umd.edu
COVID-19 Acknowledgement: We are pleased to be offering this in-person event, and we are continuing to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the University campus and in the MD/DC area. For current campus COVID-19 guidance, please visit this site.
Event Type: Employer Events
Event Location: On-Campus
Industry: Government, Policy, Law & International Affairs