Location: Virtual Event
A career with U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) is unlike any other. Every day, we safeguard the nation and its people from harmful individuals and substances like fentanyl, while enhancing our economic prosperity and providing humanitarian aid. United by uniform, our shared mission is to protect that which we hold dear, the safety and prosperity of our families and communities.
Note: We are helping to promote his external event as it may be of value to the University community. However, this external event is not affiliated with the Career Center or the University of Maryland.
The University of Maryland actively subscribes to a policy of equal employment opportunities. Organizations requesting services from the University of Maryland shall be equal opportunity employers in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws
Event Type: Employer Events
Event Location: Virtual
Industry: Arts, Communication & Design, Consulting, Finance, Operations and Entrepreneurship, Government, Policy, Law & International Affairs, Technology & Data