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Offers & Salary Negotiation

You got the offer! Congrats! Celebrate! But now what?!?

The offer itself can be overwhelming. It is important to be just as diligent in your review and evaluation of the job offer as you were during the interview process. What if you’re not sure it’s the right situation for you? What if you have more than one offer to consider? What if you were hoping for more money? The University Career Center is available to assist you as you consider how to proceed with the opportunity you’ve been given. Review the information below and/or watch the recording of the "Evaluating Job Offers and Salary Negotiation" workshop on this page for a walkthrough.

Evaluating a Job Offer

Before accepting an offer, it is important to know all of the details of the opportunity being offered to you.  Start by asking yourself some critical questions:

  • How closely does this organization and the role match my career goal(s)?
  • What is everything included in my offer package beyond just the salary (healthy benefits, company retirement contribution, annual/sick days, etc?)  More on this below.
  • Do I need additional information about the offer in order to make an informed decision?

Remember: YOU have much more leverage BEFORE you accept the offer!

  1. When you receive an offer, do not accept it on the spot.
  2. If you receive an offer in writing only, ask to set-up a call to discuss it.
  3. If you receive an offer over the phone only, ask for the offer in writing!
  4. Be sure you have an understanding of the whole package and not just the salary.
  5. Know the deadline of your acceptance (this is negotiable, too!)

Express genuine enthusiasm when you receive an offer:

Example: Thank you so much for this offer and I am excited about the opportunity!  This is an important decision and I want to make sure I take the chance to read and think through the offer in its entirety.

Most organizations provide a timeframe for you to respond to a job offer.  It is your responsibility to respond within the given window or request a reasonable extension. If requesting an extension, be prepared to provide a rationale and do so in a manner that takes the organization and their needs into consideration.


Example if the employer is not providing a deadline to accept:

Is there a deadline for when you would like a response?  I want to be mindful of your time and also think it's important for me to fully review and consider the offer.

If you have a preference on when you'd like to respond to the offer, name it here and have the employer give feedback.  Don't wait to ask for extensions last minute.

An initial job offer may come over the phone. Don’t allow your excitement to get the best of you - wait at least 24 hours before responding and be sure to have your offer in writing so that you can review all the details associated with the position you are considering.  

Be sure you know the following about the position before you accept:

  • Salary. Keep cost of living and commute in mind!  Similar jobs can pay differently if it is based in Washington, DC (higher cost of living) vs. Baltimore, MD (still high cost of living, but DC is approximately 46% higher cost of living than Baltimore according to
  • Benefits package.  These things matter and ultimately either cost you money or help you save money!  Look for the following:
    • Health, vision, dental, and prescription drug coverage and costs associated
    • 401K/403B and does the company match or contribute to your retirement? At what rate?
    • Stock options, signing bonus, quarterly/annual bonuses and other monetary benefits
    • Opportunities for remote work if this is important to you
    • Professional development opportunities - is there a budget for conference attendance, certifications or additional training?  Is tuition remission an option if you want to get a higher degree?  What is your growth potential in the organization?
  • Organization & the position as a whole.  Do they meet your values?  What's their reputation?  What's the longevity of the organization?  Have they had recent layoffs?  Is this work you want to be doing?  Does the start date work for you?  


What is outlined above (and more!) should all be considered when evaluating an offer and not JUST the salary.  Determine and consider what is most important to you.

You’ve done your homework on the organization(s) already, but now is the time to ensure this opportunity aligns with the needs and values you have for your professional career. Make sure you weigh all your options, particularly if you have competing offers. In deciding on an offer or offers, you may wish to consider:

  • Is this the right organizational fit? Does the work environment fit your personality, values and workstyle? Can you support the organizational mission and vision? 
  • As part of assessing organizational fit/work environment, you may want to ask the organization’s representatives about the employer’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) has prepared this guide (with sample questions) that you may find helpful.
  • Will the employer offer a signing bonus, relocation assistance, professional development opportunities and room for growth? Are there opportunities for remote work?
  • Do you understand the benefits package and foresee its options as able to cover your needs?
  • What is the cost of living where the employer is located? (check out this cost of living calculator)

If you do have competing offers, make sure that if the offers have different deadlines, you reach out to the employer with the closest deadline to ask for more time to make a decision. If you need assistance crafting this email (or coming up with a script for a telephone call), check out this LinkedIn Learning guide on offers.

Once you’ve reviewed your offer, you typically will have the opportunity to discuss the terms of employment. The art of negotiation is about you and the organization coming to a mutual agreement about what is most important to each of you and finding common ground. Negotiation requires practice and poise, so be sure to consult with a member of our Center for assistance. The most common points of negotiation include, start date, professional development support, signing bonus/relocation expenses and base salary.

Review the Art of Negotiating tip sheet to learn more about how to successfully negotiate. 


Was there a salary range listed on the job posting?

  • If yes, where did you fall?  How does your experience fit?
  • If no, for future final round interviews, you can ask about the salary range for the position if it has not yet been discussed.

Ways to Research Compensation Information

Accepting or declining a job offer is a big decision. It is important that you understand everything you're agreeing to and everything that is included in your offer package.


Sample questions you may still have and how to ask them:

  • If you are confused about the benefits package: "May I speak to someone with the company that can best explain the benefits package to me?
  • To learn more about salary increases: "How often do performance reviews take place and when are employees considered for salary increases and promotions?"
  • If workplace flexibility is important to you: "What is the organization's policy on telework?

Negotiating a Job Offer

Once you’ve reviewed your offer in full detail, you will have the opportunity to discuss the terms of employment. The art of negotiation is about you and the organization coming to a mutual agreement about what is most important to each of you and finding common ground. Negotiation requires practice and poise, so be sure to consult with a member of our Center for assistance and review the tips below. The most common points of negotiation include, start date, professional development support, signing bonus/relocation expenses and base salary.

Was there a salary range listed on the job posting?

  • If yes, where did you fall?  How does your experience fit?
  • If no, for future final round interviews, you can ask about the salary range for the position if it has not yet been discussed.

Ways to Research Compensation Information

  • Craft a thoughtful counteroffer and you can send it as an email prior to the established deadline.  Ask to set a time to speak more about it over the phone.
  • Make a personal "required list and a "wishlist" - what is non-negotiable on your end and where can you be flexible?


Sample Way to Negotiate Salary:

Thank you for the offer of $80,000.  Based on research in the DC-area for entry-level XYZ positions with fortune 500 companies and my full-time internship experience this past summer, I was hoping to be closer to $88,000-$90,000 for this role.

^Ensure that this new range is in line with what was including in the job description posting!


What happens if we cannot agree?

  • Regardless of the outcome, express gratitude and bring closure.  Be fair and understanding.
  • Even if you don't take the position, you may work with them someday.  Do not burn bridges.

Accepting or Declining the Offer

How to accept or decline is very important. If accepting, be sure to do so verbally and in writing on or before the deadline date given. Your formal acceptance should confirm your start date, salary and any other relevant information. If declining an offer, do so in a manner that is professional and shows your sincere appreciation for the opportunity to be considered. You want to leave the organization with a positive impression of your professionalism because who knows, your paths may cross again in the future.

Reneging on an Offer | Consider These Implications

Once you have formally accepted an offer, the employer could consider that acceptance as binding. Backing out of a job offer after you have accepted is called reneging, and is considered extremely unprofessional.

Before you renege on an offer, consider the implications.
Have you communicated any and all concerns with your recruiter or hiring manager? Many times, concerns can be addressed. You matter! The University Career Center is here to support and guide you through your decisions. Please reach out to discuss your situation and strategize about options before making a decision to renege. 

If you decide to renege on your commitment to accept a different offer, be aware, there will be consequences. Reneging damages your professional reputation and that of the University of Maryland. Your actions jeopardize opportunities for other students. Your Handshake account will be disabled and you will be required to meet with a University Career Center (UCC) advisor. You will be required to compose a sincere letter of apology, explaining your actions, which the University Career Center will review and add to your file, before you submit it to the recruiter with a cc to your University Career Center contact. Future recruiting privileges will also be evaluated at that time.

More to consider. Your professional identity is impacted by reneging. Recruiters do not always stay at the same employer and you could cross paths with a recruiter whose offer you reneged on later in your career. Recruiters from different companies also communicate with each other, either informally at career fairs or more formally through industry/professional association networking events. Recruiters who feel particularly let down by a candidate reneging could choose to warn counterparts about that candidate’s behavior or share the school they graduated from, affecting the candidate and their fellow students.


An employer rescinding a job offer is rare, but unfortunately, it does happen. An organization should only resort to this option when there are no realistic alternatives, such as when an employer is downsizing. If a company/organization rescinds or defers its offer of employment to you, please notify the University Career Center office immediately. We are here to support you.

The NACE Advisory Opinion: Rescinded and Deferred Employment Offers recommends that if an employer must revoke an offer, the employer should let the candidate know as soon as possible. The employer should also consider offering some type of assistance to help the student get back into the recruiting process, such as providing outplacement services or a stipend to help the student cover expenses.

Final Reminder...

Please remember that the University Career Center is here to help you with this process. Feel free to schedule a career advising appointment via Handshake to talk through your options and practice any negotiations you may choose to engage in.

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