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Student Employment

Being employed during the academic year or over summer or winter breaks is a great way to earn extra money, build a professional network, and gain valuable job experience that can transfer into your desired career goals. Whether you choose to take on a Federal Work-Study position, graduate assistantship or other form of employment, there are a multitude of opportunities for you both on and off campus. Explore your options and decide what's right for you.

Federal Work-Study is a federally funded employment program available to both undergraduate and graduate students who have financial need. If you receive FWS as a part of your financial aid packet, you should definitely check their website for postings of part-time employment opportunities.

If you do not know for sure if you have it (or are not sure if you qualify for it) you should check with the Office of Student Financial Aid to inquire.


Handshake is UMD's career management platform for students and alumni where available on and off campus positions are posted. Not every on-campus role is advertised via Handshake, you should also explore the websites of on-campus employers that generally hire large numbers of students every year.

Focus on UMD departments that hire a large number of students every semester.

A sample:

Student Job Listings through UMD’s University Human Resources

UMD’s University Human Resources manages the eTerps system for applications to full-time campus positions.

TerpJobs Student Employment Portal

This system also features a Student Employment Portal where departments can post part-time campus positions.

Emails/Your Academic Circles

Often academic advisors, professors, and other university personnel will email students with available positions on campus. Keep your eyes peeled for these opportunities and be sure to apply on time, with a resume reviewed by the University Career Center and The President's Promise.

Other resources outside of campus to search for part-time jobs:

Concerned about the legitimacy of an employer or position?

Please follow these steps:

Graduate Assistantships are part-time employment opportunities for enrolled graduate students at the University.  Available in many offices across campus, they offer an opportunity to work closely with faculty and undergraduate students in teaching, research, administration and more. Many cover your tuition plus provide a living stipend, but these specifics will differ depending on the university.

What Positions Are Available?

Teaching Assistantships

The specific duties of Graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) vary across disciplines and departments. Within a department, the particular assignment depends on the department’s needs and the TA's experience and academic qualifications. All graduate TAs serving in any capacity are under the direction and close supervision of a faculty member.

Research Assistantships

The specific duties of Graduate Research Assistants (RAs) vary according to the nature of the research project in which they participate and the source of the funding. RAs may occasionally be asked to conduct some work at home, or to do their research at times when classes are not officially in session. The duties of RAs are also performed under the close direction and supervision of a member of the faculty.

Administrative Assistantships

Several academic and non-academic units employ Graduate Administrative Assistants (AAs), generally to perform administrative support functions in an office setting. Such positions are expected to have a research or professional development component. Some administrative appointments are for less than one academic year.

What are the Benefits of a Graduate Assistantship?

Benefits of a graduate assistantship include, but are not limited to:

  • Part-time employment
  • Flexible schedules
  • Tuition remission
  • Competitive part-time salaries
  • Valuable experience
  • The opportunity to enhance your research skills

How do I apply?

You can apply by visiting UMD’s graduate assistant job postings on the new Workday student page. A few Resident Life Graduate Assistantships are also available on the ResLife website.

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