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Arts, Communication & Design

The Arts, Communication and Design cluster is a broad category that contains lots of different career paths including the visual and performing arts, writing, publishing, film, TV, marketing, PR, advertising, and the ever-evolving fields of design, multi- and immersive media, just to name a few. While diverse in nature, all these roles require a creative bent, attention to detail and can be found in just about every sector and across industries. 

While major firms within these fields may have specific hiring programs to attract interns as a pipeline for full-time talent, the vast majority of roles in these areas are posted on an as needed basis and being connected to other industry professionals makes a difference in getting your foot in the door. 

Where UMD Alumni Are Working & Have Interned

Info from the graduation survey

  • Discovery, Inc
  • Google
  • Voice of America
  • The Washington Post
  • University of Maryland
  • SiriusXM
  • HBO
  • Marriott International
  • National Geographic
  • NBCUniversal
  • Edelman
  • HBO Max
  • Next Day Animations

Career options if you have a...

  • Media and Entertainment: Actor, Sales Manager, Announcer, Assistant Producer, Promotions Assistant, Broadcast Engineer
  • Arts Management: Art Gallery Manager, Community Outreach Coordinator, Museum Curator, Arts Fundraiser
  • Marketing/Advertising/PR: Account Executive, Brand Management, Media Relations Specialist, Content Marketing Coordinator
  • Writing & Publishing: Copy Editor, Editorial Assistant, Technical Writer
  • Journalist
  • Author
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Arts Management
  • Actor
  • Marketing Manager
  • Faculty
  • Scientific Writer

Arts, Communication & Design Careers on YouTube

Writers and Authors

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Graphic Designer

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Video Game Designer

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Camera Operator - Radio, Television and Film

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Multimedia Artists and Animators

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Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers and Athletes

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Ways to Gain Experience

Upcoming Events

Tips for Finding a Job & Internship

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