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Interview Candidates

The Campus Interview Program allows employers to interview UMD students and recent graduates, both virtually and in person, through a coordinated process facilitated by our team

Interviews can take place year-round. However, we recommend hosting interviews during our fall and spring semesters:    

  • Fall 2024: September 9, 2024 - December 10, 2024  
  • Spring 2025: January 20, 2025 - May 14, 2025

Interviews are coordinated Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.

It is strongly recommended that interview schedule requests be made at least three weeks in advance to allow adequate time for marketing, student applications, and finalizing the interview schedule.  

Campus Interview Program 

We ask all participating employers to review the full Campus Interview Program Policy document before requesting a campus interview date. 

All currently enrolled University of Maryland students and recent graduates (up to three years post-graduation) are eligible. For questions, contact


Hosted via employers’ virtual platforms. We assist with marketing, resume collection, and interview sign-ups via Handshake and provide students with a quiet interview space.

In-Person On-Campus 

Hosted in our interview suites free of charge for employers using Handshake to facilitate their interview process.

Employers should cancel interviews before students sign up. If canceled after sign-ups, employers must explain the change to students and notify the Employer Relations Team at

Recruiters are asked to give candidates a reasonable amount of time to make employment-related decisions—generally, at least three weeks. Employers are reminded that campus recruiting is as much about building a trusted brand identity as it is about recruiting new talent. Placing undue pressure on candidates to make decisions or engaging in questionable recruiting practices jeopardizes an employer’s ability to recruit our students and may adversely affect an organization's image for an extended period.


Notify the Career Center before informing students of a rescinded offer. Follow NACE guidelines found in the “Position Statement on Rescinded and Deferred Employment Offers:

  • Communicate to candidates as soon as possible.
  • Maintain communication with candidates and the Career Center.
  • Provide financial assistance if the deferral exceeds three months.
  • Offer services to aid candidates in securing other employment.

Request an Interview Schedule (Virtual or In-Person) at UMD

  • Log into Handshake.
  • Select "Request On-Campus Interview Date" under Quick Links. 
  • Complete the "New Interview Schedule Request" form. 
  • The Employer Engagement Coordinator will confirm your interview details within 5 business days.
  • A confirmation email will be sent once approved. Check your spam/junk mail folders if not received, and contact if needed.

For "Preselect to Alternate” Schedules:

 "Attach your position" to your interview schedule for approval.  A confirmation email will be sent once both are approved.

For "Room Only” Schedules:

Email your interview schedule to AT LEAST 24 HOURS before the interview date OR bring a copy of the schedule with you on the day.

View our Organizing Your Visit page for details about travel, accommodations, dining, and campus attractions.

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