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Job Trends & Student Outcomes

A wealth of information about the job market and workforce trends exists online. The information below can serve as a starting point for understanding the specific paths of UMD graduates and broader labor market trends

Graduation Survey Outcomes

Where have UMD grads gone?

The University Career Center tracks the initial destinations of UMD graduates through the Graduation Survey. The annual survey is administered to bachelor’s degree recipients for each graduating cohort, including August, December, and May. It captures career outcomes and participation in experiential learning activities during graduates’ tenure at the University of Maryland.

Class of 2023 Graduation Survey Information 

Outcomes At A Glance

Post-graduate outcomes were identified for 75% of the students most recently surveyed.  Information was collected through the survey instrument and from other sources, including social media profiles, employers, individual faculty members, academic departments, and the National Student Clearinghouse.

A graph showing UMD student 2023 job outcomes.


Seventy-nine percent (79%) of respondents (2,022 graduates) reported having participated in at least one internship during their time at the University of Maryland. Among those graduates who reported having had internship experience, the majority completed two or more internships.

Graph showing percentage of UMD students who have internships in 2023.

Seventy-none percent (79%) of respondents who participated in internships reported having at least one paid internship and thirty-six percent (36%) reported having had at least one internship for academic credit.

Prior Graduation Survey Reports

How will college graduates fare this year?

The National Association of Colleges and Employers publishes periodic reports about job market trends. Most are based on surveys conducted with their 9,000 employer and university members. NACE has recently begun collecting student reported data from institutions across the country, creating a national snapshot of college post-graduation outcomes.

The Collegiate Employment Research Institute at Michigan State University performs a comprehensive survey of employers that hire college graduates. The annual study forecasts the job market graduates will face based on responses from 5,000 employers, including small businesses, start-ups, non-profits, government agencies, school districts, and large corporations. The report also covers trends in recruitment practices and forces affecting the job market

What job trends are likely to affect college students?

Georgetown University’s Center for Education and the Workforce studies the link between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands. Their reports are divided into three areas: Jobs, Skills and People. All reports are downloadable from the Center’s website and written for a broad public audience.


What jobs have the best growth potential in the future?

The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is an online resource that documents hundreds of occupations across the labor spectrum. Each profile includes a job outlook of the occupation’s projected growth in the near future, as well as earning potential. The site also features a section on fastest growing occupations.


What jobs are in the highest demand for Maryland Grads?

Based on information gathered through the most recent Graduation Surveys and employers currently recruiting on campus, below are a few of the trends the Center has followed.

  • Computer Science, High Tech and IT. The “digitization of everything” has driven a steadily increasing demand for graduates with computer skills. University of Maryland students enjoy competitive recruiting for positions in software development, programming, information technology, systems administration and web design.
  • Engineering. Demand in engineering fields remains steady, with electrical, computer and chemical engineering leading the way. Due to the proximity of NASA and prominent defense industry companies, mechanical and aerospace recruiting is also robust.
  • Intelligence, Defense, National Security and Foreign Affairs. The Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia region is home to the intelligence, defense and diplomacy communities.  Frequent recruiters include the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the US Department of State.  Career Shuttles take students on site visits to many types of employers, and frequent destinations have included the World Bank, the Institute for Defense Analyses, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  In addition, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) is headquartered at the University of Maryland.
  • Public Sector. The University of Maryland’s proximity to Washington DC and Annapolis opens many opportunities for UMD graduates in federal and state agencies. High concentrations of graduates may be found in the US Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, the Treasury, Energy, Agriculture, Education and many other agencies. Every year graduates report converting internships into full-time positions on Capitol Hill. The Smithsonian Institution is also an active recruiter on campus.
  • Healthcare. Many UMD graduates pursue advanced degrees for jobs in healthcare, including doctors, physician’s assistants, nurses, therapists, healthcare administration, and public health education. At the bachelor degree level, medical scribes, professionals that chart physician-patient encounters during examinations and emergency rooms, represent another rapidly growing healthcare role.
  • Accounting, Banking, Finance, Consulting and Supply Chain Management. These business fields have retained solid job prospects for UMD graduates. Accounting firms are among the top recruiters at Maryland, including Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Ernst & Young. Capital One leads the pack of financial institutions that interview on-campus. Consulting firms such as Accenture and Booz Allen Hamilton also hire a significant number of UMD graduates.
  • Education. Graduates from UMD’s College of Education are heavily represented in Maryland K-12 school systems, most prominently in the Montgomery County and Prince George’s County public schools. UMD’s education graduates enjoy the highest placement rate of all majors.
  • Scientific Research. The National Institutes of Health are headquartered in Bethesda and attract many graduates into research roles, as does the US Food and Drug Administration.
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